Sunday, November 20, 2022


Dear Women's Coalition: This letter probably won't go anywhere, but I'm going to send it anyway.  If you have heard the term "sex trafficking" in the USA, then you can thank me for that.  I'm not bragging or delusional either when I say this.  Back in  the 1970's, I was witnessing what used to be called "white slavery" back then.   I witnessed Epstein's Island first hand back in the 1970's when it was another island entirely.  I witnessed this because I was a madam.   When I tried to help some of the women who would be called "sex trafficking victims" today, I was told that they would be arrested if I involved the police in helping me to get these victims to freedom.  There was also another problem - which I'll explain in a minute and how it relates to your survey about child custody.   There were two pimps who were cousins also at this time.  Before they became known as the "Hillside Strangler", they were pimps.  They would kidnap a young girl off the streets and lock her up in a hotel room. They would beat, rape and torture her as well as brainwash her into not running away for help.  Then they would "turn her out" and bring over a bunch of "tricks" so that word spread she was a "prostitute".  Once she was branded as such, no one would help her. Back then, in the 1970's, a "prostitute" as the label was then for these victims was considered a "criminal".  Since no federally funded program could "aid or house a criminal", these women were turned away from teen shelters, domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, even a simple detox.  So literally these victims as we know them today by the term "sex trafficking victims" were literally refused help at any program also that received federal funding.  This is one reason why Margo St. James created the St. James Infirmary in San Francisco.  It's why Lois Lee created Children of the Night in 1979 to take in juvenile victims who were literally refused aid through other programs such as Covenant House to name one.  I know this because I saw them being refused help at these other "runaway" programs back then.   When I took a woman who had been stabbed 51 times by one of the Hillside Strangler duo to the task force which had been created to stop these murders as a witness who knew EXACTLY who they were, where they were, etc., the head detective refused to take her statement and threw us out of his office.  When I asked him why, his reply was "because we can't get a search warrant based on the word of a whore".  When I asked him why, he told me because "in the eyes of the law she's a criminal".   We talk about how the Taliban will jail rape victims - well we were no different back then as we called these victims "criminals" at this time.  Knowing these victims had nowhere to run for safety, and knowing I couldn't get help from the police as they'd just arrest them and then release then BACK to the pimps as they were the fathers of their children, and often married to these victims - I took a warehouse I had once used as an adult theater and I turned it into what is now known as the first sex trafficking safe house in the world.   Only this was during Iran Contra - so I had sex trafficking victims who were literally running from the CIA, the FBI, as well as Jewish intelligence, Saudi intelligence, etc.  So I was framed.  In fact, to shut down any of us madams who were aiding these victims flight to safety - we were ALL framed in 1984.  One woman was called the Death Row Madam while I got dubbed the High Tech Madam.   After our arrest on felony charges we all had been framed for, we continued to try and provide some kind of underground railroad for these women - only we were then told that to meet with each other and discuss how to protect "prostitutes", we'd be arrested on "conspiracy" charges, as well as violate our probation/parole.    Narcotics Anonymous had passed a law allowing them to assemble and not be charged like this, and further to not violate their probation/parole terms either.  So in 1987, I created Prostitutes Anonymous - a 12 step program and hotline for anyone who wanted help to exit the sex industry, of which a portion of those we helped were again what's called a "sex trafficking victim" by today's language. I did this also because of talks I had with men like the California Attorney General at this time, Edwin Meese.  He told me we would never decriminalize prostitution in the USA.  I told him it wasn't right that these women were branded as "prostitutes" and treated as "criminals" in the eyes of the law.  He agreed with me but then pointed out as a 12 step program we could set up special courts much like how the addicts had set up drug courts as they were "sick" and not "criminals" either.   I want to tell you about the first case we did in Prostitutes Anonymous.  In 1986, as I was forming this group, there was the LaRouche Foundation who was trying to pass a law that would allow "prostitutes", and addicts and gay men to be rounded up and quarantined on an island as they were considered a "public health hazard" because of the HIV/AIDS crisis back then.   To try and stop this law from being passed, especially since I knew that many of these "sex trafficking victims" who were classified under this "prostitute" category would just be taken to an island that I had verified was one of the very islands they would never be heard from again should they be forced there by this law, and knowing I'd probably be never heard from again either because of what I knew back then, I went on a local TV show, and other media to try and raise awareness of why this law should not pass. After my first appearance, I received a call from a woman who was connected to what was known then as a "church".  This "church" had built it's reputation of supposedly "rescuing prostitutes off the streets" and turning them into ministers.  What they were doing was taking prostitutes who were sex trafficking victims of the black man, and turning them into shills and prostitutes for their "church".  This "church" was called "The Family".  River and Juoquin Phoenix were children of this "church" by the way. They were STILL sex trafficking victims by any standard or term.  They were forced to prostitute by these men who ensured they were PREGNANT with the pimps' child.  This meant the COURTS would not allow them to leave.  This was the same problem Lois Lee had when creating Children of the Night - because when a woman is turned out into being a prostitute by force, and trafficked so all her money is taken from her she earns in sex work, she then can't leave that pimp because the courts will ALWAYS grant him not only partial custody, but that she can't leave anywhere and take the child without telling her EXACTLY where they are.  There's literally no escape.   The children when small are not only basically held as hostages to force these women to prostitute for their pimp, but they're also "groomed" so that often by the time they are between the ages of 8 to 12 - they are then also "turned out".  One of these women who had been "turned out" by the head of The Family, had four girls and one boy who were all under the age of 18 and who were also prostituting and doing porn to raise money for the church. For these women to leave this situation, meant they had to take their children with them at a time when no program receiving federal funds could take them.  The ONLY program for adults at that time who were prostitutes wouldn't take children.  Children of the Night could only take the children who weren't prostituting yet, not the mothers.  Luckily, an attorney who owned an apartment building also saw that show so I was able to take 10 women, mothers, and their CHILDREN, to that apartment building to remove them from The Family. But because of the current custody laws, the fathers still knew where they were and were threatening to put the small children into porn if the mothers didn't return "home".  To get rid of them, I embarked upon a media campaign to raise awareness of this "church" and we effectively convinced them to leave the USA that year.  I'm sad to hear they continued this pattern where they fled to, but at least they left these women to move on with their lives, and their childrens' lives. I spent another 13 years working behind the scenes to see that the Trafficking Act got passed in 2000 which accurately allowed these women to be labeled as "victims" and not "criminals".  But I also saw the money to aid these victims hijacked in 2003 by George W. Bush, Randall Tobias, and the "church", i.e., the very people who either were part of the problem, or didn't want to help the problem.  The term "sex trafficking" thus wasn't even coined until this Act passed in 2000 - so that's why I say if you've heard this term today, you can thank me for it.   That and the 22 US Attorneys George W. Bush fired "for no reason" who all were part of making that Act pass also.  (But that's another story I'll be publishing in my memoirs to be released in 2023.) When this issue became about money, I understood.  But then I saw a complete ACTRESS get up and testify to congress about sex trafficking in juveniles.  Now wondering why all this money and time was spent in preparing this fake victim to testify to Congress - I took a transcript of his testimony to 10 REAL victims and I asked them "what is it they're trying not to be said" by instead putting this actress in front of the camera. They immediately pointed out to me that what was not even touched on by this woman was the custody laws.  It's well known when you know this subject that the traffickers will do everything in their power to impregnate their victims as soon as they possibly can.  They do this intentionally and fully conscious of the fact that they now have created an 18 year "leash" on  their victims so they can't escape.   I want you to look at this case as an example of what I mean by this -  Do you know WHY these women defended their traffickers in this case?  Because they KNOW they can't escape this man because of the CUSTODY LAWS.  Laws which mean that they have to tell this man their physical location every day of where those children are at EVEN FROM PRISON.  Since pimping/trafficking is often generational also, passed from father to son, uncles, etc., they know that even if their trafficker is locked up - DADDY or UNCLE will know where they are.   This is why for many years until they made it impossible for me to get these women across the border to Canada or Mexico - I helped victims escape this country with their children to escape sex trafficking because I knew these countries would not extradite these women and their children over the custody orders issued by courts who have NO IDEA what or how sex trafficking really operates in this country.  Too many specials on TV about how it operates in Cambodia or Thailand disguises what AMERICAN sex trafficking looks like and the leash it puts on the necks of these women so they can't escape the network that is their trafffickers, and their families.   I can't give you a "survey" about my case, but I can tell you about the 500,000 cases I've now done intake for on my hotline I've operated since 1987 - and how today there is a network of sex traffickers that is law enforcement that's made it almost impossible to provide aid to these victims anymore.  If you don't know what I mean about this  - google Celeste Guap and Operation Dollhouse to get a better idea.   If you want to talk to me sometime about the 100's of millions of dollars Sheldon Adelson put into creating the "child sex trafficking laws" in 2013 while he was actively engaged in sex trafficking  that I'm also going to be including in my memoirs released next year.  This money was spent to completely change the child child welfare system in fact in Arizona alone -  Which by the way did something VERY interesting when it came to these "mother child" duo victims of sex traffickers down there who also had a lot of undocumented children - and why they now separate the children from their mothers at the border.   Copyright - all rights reserved

Thursday, May 19, 2022


We are still keeping the hotline and program open at


I'm also offering educational trainings and workshops at


I'm collecting history for the Harvard archives on USA based adult work. The site I have set up for this is at I found just in locating my own archies for history - it's been an enlightening experience - much like Howard Zinn when he put together his view on history from an indigeous point of view!