Here's an article on a story that broke recently about "rehab fraud" in Arizona. 

 Only notice the article here also states the audit "doesn't lay blame". There's a reason for this - the framework to accomplish this very type of fraud is much bigger than just Arizona, and also much bigger than just affecting those who may be seeking help for drug addiction.  It's also why I'm in the process of publishing my memoirs to expose how these systems are set up, how they operate, and why it's the GOVERNMENT targeting people for sex trafficking as to why I started our work originally - not to do what they're claiming to be doing today in the so called "sex trafficking movement".  

I'm saying this because I want you to just picture yourself as a victim caught up in this massive government medicaid fraud system - and you want to truly get off drugs, get into a new life, and find recovery.  Do you think they're just going to let you walk away ESPECIALLY now you know all their dirty secrets and can blow the whistle on them, get them fired, exposed, thrown into jail, audited, or even file civil lawsuits?  I ask you, out of all of the victims of this massive fraud right here in this Arizona case WHERE are the civil lawsuits being filed on behalf of the people who were forced, tricked, deceived, and otherwise manipulated into these programs?  Now, who do you call for help when caught in this web?  Especially when everyone around you is projecting this image to the world that they're the supposed system set up to HELP you - when in reality it's a scam?

My memoirs talk about my witnessing the very framework being set in place to accomplish just this type of fraud starting back about 1991 actually.  You can keep up with my memoirs publishing if you join the subscribers list here.  Now  I want you to think about this for a second - these people were sending people into drug treatment programs supposedly which wouldn't exist without Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings. 

Only why would these fellowships allow their literature, their name, their reputation, be associated with this kind of fraud that happened in this article? 

They wouldn't. To understand how this kind of fraud was accomplished, you have to know the roots of where the foundation was laid to allow this to even happen. How was it set up to even be able to bill insurance for treatment in the first place? 

Remember, alcoholism, and then drug addiction, were not things you could bill your health insurance or state insurance like Medicaid or Medi-cal for back before a period of time. (I'm writing about the history of the recovery movement also at

Now I ask you, if a 12 step program states that NOTHING will help you to get recovery other than the 12 step program, no professional treatment, no church, no therapy, etc. - then why would AA then support this system of billing insurance even being created in the first place for programs that claim they can get you sober? 

The answer is they didn't. That's why Bill Wilson, and the original founding members of AA, were chased into Ohio and blacklisted right out of the General Office. They were taken over by just these people with these exact goals. Then when they started granting federal money and insurance billing to drug addiction - they came in and took over Narcotics Anonymous so they could accomplish just this kind of massive fraud. Biden in 2024 is issuing over $28 MILLION dollars in grant money to help treat addiction - only where is that money going?

How is it being used? Name me one single treatment program, sober house, halfway house, drug court, etc., that is not using the 12 step programs as the very foundation of their program? Sure there are programs that don't use anything to do with the 12 step systems, but those are private treatment that don't bill the state insurance so they're not used here as part of this scam. They're not rounding up people off the streets and keeping them in these programs so they can bill the government by the day for them - many of them getting paid on average $400 a day by the federal government per person per day. 

Now, do you think this doesn't also overlap street prostitutes? Of course it does - and they started setting up this very system with Project Rose. They start with the prostitutes because they can get away with it because no one will generally come in and champion the prostitutes - as proof of my point what was done other than by Prostitutes Anonymous members to raise hell and object to what Project Rose was doing - WHICH WAS THE SAME EXACT THING AS THIS.  

In Project Rose, back starting about 2013-2014, the police claimed they were doing "sex trafficking outreach". Instead of arresting these men/women, they'd say they were "helping them". They would handcuff them, put them into a police car, and then take them to either a church or a counseling center. They'd then ask them if they wanted "help" or not. If they said they were not being trafficked, they were then sent to jail. If they said they were being trafficked to avoid jail, they were then sent to counseling at this counseling center - who in turn then billed state Medicaid insurance for these sessions. 

The center received private grant money and engaged in fund raising - so who knows how much money they collected entirely without doing an audit of their tax returns. Which would be hard in this case because what happened in Project Rose was Medicaid balked at paying for the bills they were getting for these "victims". Why? 

While our Prostitutes Anonymous program was being attacked by these same people who wanted us out of the way so they could do this without our interference and trying to help these same women, I'm still getting calls on the hotline about what's happening to them in this "Project Rose". 

First they were telling me how their so called "counselor" was engaging in very strange unethical behavior. When I checked on this one counselor's license, she's not licensed. In fact, I find the whole counseling center isn't even licensed. Why? Well that was one reason the state then refused to pay the bills. But it goes deeper than just an oversight as the women were also telling me the same stories of how they were being forced to take medications as part of their "counseling" that they had no idea what they were taking. When I asked them to find out what they were taking, they refused to tell these women. They weren't getting these pills at a pharmacy, but instead being handed them to take at the counseling center. 

I go digging and I discover there was also a grant for medical research  (grants like this one for example  and anyone else remember what had taken over Arizona back about this time also?  (remember what Elizabeth Holmes was pulling in Arizona also about this time and had full control over the law makers?,  so the pills were basically given to them as medical research, i.e., they were being used as lab rats. 

But because these medications were being used off label, and handed out by non-licensed professionals, that's why the state was then refusing to pay the bills. Then they "expanded" Medicaid and the bills got paid ANYWAY  and this shows how they get them onto these medications while in jail, and then continue them on the outside in these clinics - all with the taxpayer paying these medical bills and yes even for illegal immigrants, or those on native land.  

Now in Project Rose, when I started asking questions, then filing complaints with the state medical licensing board about how these women were being treated - suddenly that whole project and counseling center was just shut down. Everyone was fired, records were destroyed.  One transgender sex worker tried to file a civil lawsuit, but she found herself deported in response.  That's why I'm saying it takes a TEAM of people to accomplish this kind of money scamming on this massive of a scale.  

But the people and the system behind this fraud didn't just go away. No, they got too good of a thing going on. Especially as most of these women they were picking up on this "sex trafficking" smoke screen, were also using drugs. 

So quick way to get bodies into one of these programs you can then bill the state something like $400 a day is to just promise them free housing, free drugs, and by targeting the homeless, the addicts, the mentally ill, etc., - you get cooperation. 

But it was not just "cooperation". I was STILL getting calls from these women saying they were STILL being forced to take drugs. Why? Because the state/insurance again is PAYING for these drugs. And with a big mark-up. When I asked them to just refuse to take these medications, they were then threatened with a "suicide hold". yes they can force you to take medications when they lock you up on these "emergency" holds where they are the ones deeming you're a danger to yourself - which is what happened when these people would refuse to go along with the program anymore. 

This is a conspiracy folks ran by a large group of people who make this happen. Their so called "counselors" in these programs were then saying they were "at risk of harming themselves" and the medications were their "treatment". 

If they refused to take these pills or treatments, they were then accused of "warning to harm themselves by refusing treatment" and therefore at risk of harming themselves, they'd then be forced into lock down treatment where medications were also forced on them. 

And what hasn't been touched on here yet is how many of these people had kids. Kids forced into foster care and then these parents put into a position where they're losing custody of these kids permanently. Incentivized by another program giving grant money to these states and counties for every kid adopted. Kids don't grow on farms - they have to come from somewhere. And when the government is getting paid per child they adopt - they're looking for any excuse they can. 

So while cycling people through these phony programs which are just money making machines for them, of course they're going to be seeing how many kids they can get their hands on to adopt. Blasting the parents on drugs, and also threatening and bullying them to stay silent about the way they're being treated, is going to give them more kids to adopt out at the average of $100,000 per kid. 

Human trafficking by the government is something these so called "abolitionists" won't even touch because they're using this "sex trafficking" facade to accomplish the actual trafficking. Why they want to convince you the traffickers are some black man standing on a corner looking like "Huggy Bear" in Starsky and Hutch, when in reality its the county or state governments doing the trafficking. 

Again, to accomplish these scams, they have to be able to partner up with the 12 step programs. You can't have drug or alcohol treatment without incorporating in the 12 step programs. Only again the founders and the old timers who came into these programs in the early days before this system was set up, they're not going to go along with these things as they have nothing to do with helping a person find recovery. 

So they push them out and insert their own people to rig the system. Seeing them do this to AA, and then NA, I KNEW that's what was coming for Prostitutes Anonymous as we grew older and voila - that's what happened. That's why I got an interview with a member of Prostitutes Anonymous who came into the program in the early 1990's, who got real recovery, and then got a job working at an outreach for prostitutes. 

When over $110 million dollars was pumped into Arizona about 2012 to start creating all these "sex trafficking" laws and programs and grant funnels, that's when they had to dismantle the existing leadership of Prostitutes Anonymous in Phoenix. Many of our members were given a choice - you can get a job with us and to shill for us and go along with what we're pulling and if you do, we'll give you a job OR we're going to smear your reputation, shun you, shut you out of the program, and if you keep trying to butt into things, we'll have you arrested, deported, drug off on a suicide watch, threaten to take your kids away, whatever it takes to shut you up and get out of our way is what happened.

